Benjamin Gravesteijn

Research highlight: introduction

This blogpost is the first in a series, called “Research Highlights”. This is a series where I will put my research into context, contemplate on what I did, and why, and most of all: comprehensible for everybody. I have been thinking about this since only recently, and I would like to share some thoughts on why this feels like the appropriate thing to do. Most of you probably know that one of the perks of being a PhD student, is to write and publish papers.

TBI, beer, and chocolates in Leuven

Starting of #icpic2019 - listening to the most important viewpoint- that of the patient — David Menon (@Menon_Cambridge) September 8, 2019 For the last month, I have been staying in Cambridge, as you perhaps have read before. However, last week was a little different. I have been flying quite a lot this year: Japan, Vienna, Cambridge, Milan… But my final trip of 2019 commenced last week: a conference in the former beer capitol of the world, Leuven.

Writer's visit to Milan

“Retire me to my Milan, where every third thought shall be my grave.” William Shakespeare Visiting Milan to write a paper at the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano: sounds like the most inspiring place to write, right? I know a professor who likes to come here for a week to write books, or funding applications. But now it’s my turn to be inspired by the city of fashion, the most cultivated and wealthiest city of Italy: the country of love.