Benjamin Gravesteijn

Scientific Communication Post-Covid-19

You couldn’t have missed it. The last couple of weeks were full of hopeful Covid-19 news: Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their vaccine was 90% effective, followed by Moderna’s press release that their vaccine was 94.5% effective. This news was received with great anticipation and euphoria. As a result, the world stock market exploded. Nevertheless personally, I was actually quite shocked about how these companies communicated this news with the public.

Acknowledging and recognizing scientists

A recent post focused around the future of acknowledging and recognizing science. One of the main points was that researchers right now are mostly acknowledged on their scientific output, instead of also on their total work as academic. As an illustration, I want to present how the community right now in practice values me as a researcher, as well as how I want to be valued. Current acknowledgment Researchers right now are acknowledged based on their scientific output: publications.

Evolution or revolution

Kunnen de impactfactoren voor de kwaliteit van wetenschap op de schop? Van H-index en Journal Impact Factor naar narratieven en relevantie. Discussier mee via #wetenschapper2030 @IngeborgMeijer — ZonMw (@ZonMw) May 20, 2019 Yesterday, I attended a meeting organized by the main Dutch funding organizations ZonMW and the NWO, called “Evolution or Revolution”, together with Daphne Voormolen. The aim of the meeting was to have an open discussion.