Benjamin Gravesteijn

Scientific Communication Post-Covid-19

You couldn’t have missed it. The last couple of weeks were full of hopeful Covid-19 news: Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their vaccine was 90% effective, followed by Moderna’s press release that their vaccine was 94.5% effective. This news was received with great anticipation and euphoria. As a result, the world stock market exploded. Nevertheless personally, I was actually quite shocked about how these companies communicated this news with the public.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy after repeated soccer headings

Methodological and societal barriers

This weekend, the NRC, an important Dutch newspaper, published an article concerning the influence of major sports organizations (UEFA, FIFA, AFL) on research concerning chronic traumatic encaphalopathy (CTE). CTE has seen more and more public interest in the last couple of decades. This disease has been described to occur after a career in sports such as soccer, football, or boxing: these are all associated with a substantial amount of repeated mild concussions.

Settling down

The marshmallow game of life

Something else, something new. In conversations with friends, lately, something interesting has popped up. It started as an idea that seemed fresh. But the longer we talked it over, the more it seems like more of a thought process that started long ago, but has already been systematized in me. It involves the process of growing up, but applied to adolescent life: settling down. Please note, I know we’re not the first ones to think about it.